Online Store Policies  

Return Poilicy 

Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

At delivery time if you are not satisfied with products delviered for any reason, you can simply return it immediately with the deliery team. Your paid amount will be credited to your account.  We might call you to learn the reasons for return and might ask you to send us a picture of the recieved items, to improve our services. Your satisfaction is our primary focus. Returns are also falls under cancellation policy. 

Cancellation Policy

Cancelling your order can be done anytime before shipping the products. We might ask you about cancellation reasons. You must cancel through our customer support center from the same client account who set the order. If no legitamate reasons for cancellation was accepted by us, you might not be illigable for future return nor for cash-on-delivery service. 

Refund Policy

As for money refund we can either refund you in store credits or money refund If you don’t want to purchase from us again. If paid online, your money will be refunded in the same payment method. Cash refund will be done by money trasfer to your bank account or credit card.